The Mad Secretaries - Part 2
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: High Heels | Lady Faye | Mistress Cloe | Double Domination | Prison | Arrogance | German Language |

Do you remember the mad secretaries who keep the new gardener imprisoned in the basement of the company. It's after work now and they return, dressed in skin tight, dominant outfit and on high heels.
"Do you know what will happen now?", Cloe asks the confused gardener and she continues: "You will clean our high heels now!" and both ladies laugh. She grabs his hair and pushes his head down to Faye's black leather boots. The gardener starts cleaning them with his tongue while Cloe takes a seat on his back and digs her thin heel into it.
Up and down, up and down. Faye wants him to clean every inch of her leather boots. He then has to suck the heels before she puts one boot on his head and pushes it down against the other boot. After a while both ladies change and now their new slave has to clean Cloes red and bitchy shoes that have an even higher and sharper heel.
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7:56 min, 222 MB, MPG HD
German Language
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