Abused At Midnight
- Published in Boots & High Heels
- Tagged under: Boots | Bootlicker | High Heels | Leather | Humiliation | Prison | Mademoiselle de S. | English Language |

It's dark in the basement, especially in that deep hole the slave is caged in after a hard working day. It's wet and it's cold and he knows, he still can't sleep because at midnight one of the cruel women will come and abuse him. There is the sound of the church clock in the background, the lights is turned on and the sound of high heels comes closer.
It's Mademoiselle de S. this night, who is dressed completely in black leather. She looks so demanding and dominant. She wears her expensive overknee boots with these pair of ultra thin and dangerous high heels. "Good evening, slave!", she says with a soft voice but her style and the whip in her leather gloved hand speak another language.
She lifts up the heavy iron grid and order the slave to start cleaning her boots with his tongue. And he knows he better do that with a big passion. Mademoiselle de S. will not leave the basement until her boots are shiny again. So all the dust has to be licked off, even the dirt under the soles. And of course, the sharp heel has to cleaned as well...
A lot of close ups will make you wish you were this slave!
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